Golden Retrievers (Rustiques)

Hello and welcome on Team Zomarick website. Our breeding is exclusively dedicated to the “Rustic” Golden Retriever. Our standard is one of the highest and rigorous that can be found, either on working aptitudes, desire to please, temperament and trainability.
With an athletic conformation, our dogs have coats color from copper to rich mahogany and are well adapted for work on all terrains. Their well known temperament and aptitudes make them great for hunting but also for S&R and therapist assistants. On top of that, they are great family companions, having a great sense of attention and generosity.
In addition to our breeding activities, there are training sessions for all our dogs, obedience classes offered to everyone, specialized retriever courses, seminars on training retrievers and articles we write on the subject in a hunting magazine. Also, our dogs run official Canadian Kennel Club hunt tests every year. Finally, during every hunting season, we take the dogs out for waterfowl and field hunting.
For informations :
Zomarick Golden Retrievers Rustiques
Djanick Michaud, own.