Zomarick Golden Retrievers rustiques

Pride, fidelity and devotion

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Red »
Dude »
Hobson »
Rebel »


Zomarick Sir Hobson (enr. C.K.C. et A.K.)

Hobson is from Northern California. He is from a great hunting line and some of his family members are also S&R dogs. They are recognized for their highly developed sense of smell. Hobson is no exception to that. His instinct to track is evident and his retrieve capability makes of him a great worker.

His temperament is calm and affectionate. He is known for his lovable attitude and kind expression. He has proven us to be a great descendant of his ancestors. Powerful swimmer and endurance runner, no terrain nor weather conditions stop him.


Sir Redworth, JH, WC

Borned in our kennel, Red is its father’s son ! Highly trainable and very focussed, he has a greatly motivated and steady at work. His speed and precision are examples of a refined working retriever.

An exception in his litter ? Well, he is not ! They were all copies, each joining together trainability, focus, and determination from Hobson and agility and discipline from Tessy.

DudeSir Dudeley 

Proud representative of Team Zomarick outside Quebec Province, Dude is his father’s portrait and a copy of his older brother, Red. Fast, brilliant, attentive, confidant and courageous, he is from that promising generation from our kennel. He evolves with our friend, M. Peter Ober and he is in our breeding program.


Sir Harricana Rebel

Veteran of our team, Rebel unites experience and dynamism. His playful and expressive temperament make him a faithful and great companion, either in the family, in the pack or out for hunting.

Rebel had showed through past years constistance in his work et great steadyness. He is a perseverant, courageous and determined retriever with all proven desire to please.